Young 2020

Na de succesvolle zomer van 2019 bleek eind april dat de tweede editie van Young, gepland in 2020, uitgesteld moest worden. De jonge orkestleden waren in februari echter al geselecteerd. Om hen betrokken te houden en hen in een moeilijke tijd toch verder te brengen, lag de focus op wat wel mogelijk was – online.

Emilija Buksa (Letland) over haar online vioollessen van Arndt Auhagen:
He helped me with several struggles - like phrasing in Mozart. 
He suggested to treat the third movement of Mozart’s 5th concerto as if it were an opera. It was as if I opened my eyes. It made playing the piece so much more fun. Now, every time I play it, I get to be the director, the costume designer, the script writer and all of the singers. Amazing! Thank you for giving us such an incredible chance.

Sergio Martín Mora (Spanje), over zijn online trompetlessen van Hans Alting:
I have learned a lot! Hans Alting is an incredible man and we have connected very well. He has solved a very difficult problem I had with the trumpet. 
We have worked with numerous pieces and orchestral excerpts, he gave me lots of good ideas. I could write lots of other things, but above all: I am very happy with Hans.