Discover your favourites!

Ticket sales for season 2024-25 of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra start on 1 June. Take a look at our concert calendar and save your favourite concerts, so you can easily find them in your account!
Discover your favourites!

Take a peek at the new season's concert schedule now! Tickets go on sale starting 1 June, but you can already select the concerts you may want to see. ·

  • Go to the concert schedule using this link
  • Click the ‘read more’ button under the concert you’re interested in, then click on the heart next to the ‘Dates and tickets’ button
  • If you’ve logged in to your account, the concert will be saved
  • You can find your favourites next time by selecting 'Menu', then clicking on the heart symbol (at bottom for mobiles, upper right for desktops).

If you want to be sure you get the best possible seats, order one of our subscription series.

Supporters can place orders earlier

Participants in the Concertgebouw Orchestra’s support programme can order tickets from 28 May during pre-sales.

If you’re interested in supporting the Concertgebouw Orchestra, please contact our Development department, either on 020 305 1050 or by email: