PwC has been one of the Concertgebouworkest’s corporate partners since 1 January 2011. The orchestra shares the ambition always to deliver the highest quality and has aims that go beyond note-perfect performances. This is in full alignment with what PwC stands for: we support our employees and clients in developing their talents in order to make the very most of their strengths and opportunities.

The main aim of the partnership is to make a valuable contribution to society. PwC also leverages the partnership as a means to build solid, long-term relationships with clients, associates and employees. In addition, PwC’s specific objective is to support the Concertgebouworkest in its digitisation processes.

About PwC

combilogo PwC en ConcertgebouworkestPwC aims to help build trust in society and solve important problems. PwC is a network of firms in 158 countries employing a workforce of over 250,000. Over 5,000 people work at PwC in the Netherlands, all of whom are committed to delivering quality in assurance, tax and advisory services. Tell them what’s important to you.

‘The high standard of quality maintained by the Concertgebouworkest is the result of a constant desire to perform at the highest level while connecting with society and without losing sight of innovation. All this fits perfectly with our values at PwC.’
- Marc Diepstraten, member of the PwC Board of Management

The Concertgebouworkest provided the musical interpretation at the annual PwC Alumni Event with Patty Nobrega and David Verweij.