The Academy of the Concertgebouw Orchestra has served as the orchestra’s own training institute for twenty years. Talented European musicians complete their musical training by taking part in a personal development programme under the orchestra’s wings.
The Academy is the Concertgebouw Orchestra's bridge between the conservatory and the professional music world. The multifaceted programme it offers produces outstanding musicians who are ready for a career in an internationally renowned symphony orchestra.
The Academy also serves as a pool from which the Concertgebouw Orchestra itself can draw. The students are initiated to, and trained in the tradition of, the orchestra’s culture and master the very specific ensemble playing required – taking responsibility, having confidence, listening to one another and taking risks.
Through the Academy, the Concertgebouw Orchestra is handing down an important tradition. No fewer than fifteen former Academy students are now fully fledged members of the Concertgebouw Orchestra.
Programme of the Academy of the Concertgebouw Orchestra
The Academy is fully funded by the Foundation Concertgebouworkest, which to that end receives donations from such entities as Ammodo, the Dutch Masters Foundation, the Swiss Friends of the Concertgebouw Orchestra, the Don Quixote Foundation, De Salon, private donors and a number of commemorative funds.